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So I've heard rumors that once a Droid is rooted it's capable of multitouch...haven't found it yet. Is there an app I'm supposed to load to get this to work?
Um...UI doesn't respond at all to multitouch, can't drag 2 or more shortcuts to trash for example, Yahoo mail, can't highlight 2 messages at the same time. Where exactly are you getting multitouch capabilities from?
If your using Launcher Pro then maybe they've added something to their interface but stock interface with Froyo & rooted still doesn't support multitouch it looks like...yes I do have the pinch to zoom which is an added Froyo feature but on the gallery I still can't select more than one picture at a time.
on launcher pro try pinching the screen... it will give you a preview of all your screens. this is a multi-touch feature... selecting 2 different items is not a feature.. sucks but true
Long press doesn't enable you to select more than one picture at the same time though, already tried it, it buzzes after the long press but thats about the extents of it.
Trillonometry: Stock UI lets you longpress the side dots & preview all the screens, honestly I think Launcher Pro was created mainly for 2.1 users wanting what the new 2.2 UI had to offer. Most of the options for LP are in the new 2.2 UI, customizing the size of the homescreen buttons seems to be the true upgrade feature.
launcher pro has customizable screen number, multiple docks, resizable widgets, gesture support on dock, 5 icon row feature, scrollable widget support among many other features the stock launcher does not have. not to mention the scrolling seems snappier and more fluid
Long press doesn't enable you to select more than one picture at the same time though, already tried it, it buzzes after the long press but thats about the extents of it.
Trillonometry: Stock UI lets you longpress the side dots & preview all the screens, honestly I think Launcher Pro was created mainly for 2.1 users wanting what the new 2.2 UI had to offer. Most of the options for LP are in the new 2.2 UI, customizing the size of the homescreen buttons seems to be the true upgrade feature.
If you long press a picture inside one of the folders in your gallery little check boxes appear on every picture in that folder. You can check multiple pictures, it also gives you the option to select all. I'm not sure if this is what you are trying to do but the option is there, I use it all the time