Our team at Repairs Universe has come together to create this useful repair guide for the Moto X! You will find this guide helpful if you need to replace a cracked or broken screen on your new Moto X. It will take you through the in depth steps required to replace the screen assembly as well as other vital components you may want to replace.
This guide will help you to install the following Moto X parts:
Tools Required:
All other Parts and Accessories for the Motorola Moto X can be found at RepairsUniverse.com
How to Fix a Motorola Moto X (Step-by-Step Guide) :
See figure below for reference.
See figure below for reference.
See figure below for reference.
On both sides of the screen assembly you will notice some very small pins (7) which hold the screen assembly to the housing.
See figure below for reference.
Repairs Universe's guides are for informational purposes only. Repairs are done at your own risk.
This guide will help you to install the following Moto X parts:
- Moto X LCD + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly
- Other Internal Components
Tools Required:
- T4 Torx Screwdriver
- Safe Open Pry Tool
- Sim Card Removal Tool
All other Parts and Accessories for the Motorola Moto X can be found at RepairsUniverse.com
How to Fix a Motorola Moto X (Step-by-Step Guide) :
- Start by using the sim card tray removal tool to take out the sim card along with the sim card tray on the side of the device. If you don't have the suggested removal tool, a paper clip can also work.
- Then use a safe open pry tool to release the clips that hold the back cover to the device.
- During this step use caution on the side of the device where the volume buttons are located in order to make sure not to tear or rip their flex ribbon connector.
- After you have released the adhesive and clips from the back cover, carefully turn the device over to the left side avoiding damage to the flex ribbon connection located on the back cover.
- In order to completely remove the back cover release the jaw bone connection shown in the figure below.
See figure below for reference.
- With your T4 Torx Screwdriver unscrew the T4 screws (11) which are highlighted and circled in RED in the image below.
- Note there is also a metal spacer that can be set to the side for later during re-assembly. The spacer is highlighted in GREEN below.
- (Figure 3.1) Use your pry tool to carefully release the clips and remove the upper housing which holds the loud speaker and audio jack assembly.
- (Figure 3.2) Be careful to note that the right side of the housing may need additional care because it's held on with clips in the housing and can be fragile.
- (Figures 3.3 - 3.4) Remove the lower housing using the pry tool while being cautious not to damage the clips that hold it in place.
See figure below for reference.
- (Figure 4.1) Using the pry tool release the battery connection.
- (Figure 4.2) Then by releasing the jaw connection you will release the volume button flex cable.
- (Figure 4.3) With the pry tool release the pop connector for the ear speaker assembly and upper sensor.
- (Figure 4.4) Next, flip over the motherboard which exposes the jaw-bone connection. Then release the connection in order to remove the battery and motherboard.
- (Figure 5.1) Carefully remove the upper sensor assembly using the pry tool. Note that beneath this sensor is the ear speaker which is still attached to the housing.
- (FIgure 5.2) Remove the metal clip that covers the volume button flex cable.
- (Figure 5.3) At this point you should be able to easily remove the power and volume buttons. Then using the pry tool or plastic tweezers peel off the volume buttons, while being sure not to tear or rip the ribbon cable.
- (Figure 5.4) Place the volume flex ribbon cable and buttons to the side for the later re-assembly.
See figure below for reference.
- (Figures 6.1 - 6.2) Push the small pins (7) out by pushing from the inside of the housing. This is done using the Sim card removal tool (provided by Motorola).
- (Figure 6.3) After the pins have been removed use the pry tool and release the grey housing from the screen assembly, while being careful not to break off the clips that are holding the housing in place.
- (Figure 6.4) Once the housing has been released from the screen assembly you can completely remove it.
See figure below for reference.
- Lastly, you can re-assemble your Moto X by reversing the steps above and install your new LCD + Touch Screen assembly.
Repairs Universe's guides are for informational purposes only. Repairs are done at your own risk.