Hey everyone. I just downloaded HomeSmack. It's a convenient app that allows you to customize your home and search buttons. Too bad a friend of mine needs it exclusively for its ability to restore functionality to the double tap on home and long press on search feature of android. He wants to be able to use the convenient double tap home method for launching QuickDesk, but can't because it also brings up whatever you have it set to bring up via standard settings. For some reason you can't select 'none' as an option in Settings>Applications>Double tap home launch as to avoid conflict with other apps. I can do this on my droid 2 global... Long pressing on the search button is supposed to be another customizable shortcut. However, on the X, it is hard coded to bring up Google voice search. I actually have QuickDesk on my D2G set to launch on long press on search. It's really convenient. Why does the flagship X have this capability restricted? This is infuriating to me because it essentially makes some apps not worth using (QuickDesk is a prime example). Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?