Moto X not starting


New Member
May 4, 2015
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Moto X 2nd gen
Hey All,

I'm new to Android (was an iPhone user for about 5 years) and I justed purchased a Moto X 2nd gen. I was very happy with it for a week or so, until I got an error (can't recall it, had something to do with google, but i tried to get rid of it but it would keep popping up not letting me use the device at all) and decided to turn off the device. Bad the device won't turn back on. It just stays for about a minute in the white initial screen and then switchs off. I've tried to do the factory reset, but I get several errors

E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_install
E: Failed closing /dev/recovery/block/platform/msm_sdxx.1/by-name/mis
(I/0 error)

Please if you could help! I don't know what to do.
First, welcome to the forum!

Second, did you purchase the device brand new, or used? Something's definitely not right here, especially if it was new, but there's always a chance that someone rooted the device and/or did other things that are causing you trouble if it's used.
Hi Jonny, thanks for the reply and for the welcome.
I bought it new from Amazon (Open Group Wireless) and got it sealed. I'm so sad about this and as I'm in Chile (not the States where I bought it) Motorola coustomer support won't do anything. Thanks again!

Edit; Staff Removed link...
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I did it accessing the menu you get after pressing the on and down button for some seconds. That menu I can access (sorry, I don't know how to call it, its that black background menu with 4 or 5 options). But the operating system won't start.
Gotchya. Something definitely isn't right there, but I'm afraid you're a bit beyond me. Hopefully someone else will be able to jump in & offer more help.