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Metamorph to change battery icons and 4g

Does anyone know if this works or if there are any special instructions to follow, I donwloaded the Blue ICS battery from the NExus for my Rezound, and wnana port it, just wanted to see what everyone else thought....
Does anyone know if this works or if there are any special instructions to follow, I donwloaded the Blue ICS battery from the NExus for my Rezound, and wnana port it, just wanted to see what everyone else thought....

I don't mess with Metamorph anymore. Had too many problems with it. It's a pretty easy manual change. Just unzip your /system/framework/framework-res.apk file, replace the icons you want to change, zip the directory back up again using "store" compression, drop it back in your /system/framework directory and you're done. I actually already have one I'll upload it here a bit later today(after I find it) as a flashable zip file.
I'll try that, would love if you found yours, let me know, thanks

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

I've looked, it must be at home. Did you only want the battery icon? I can whip that up no prob. Are you stock, rooted/rom'd? If you're running a ROM just let me know which one. Should work with any but some guys mess with the framework.
I'm on Scott's Clean Rom 2.2 would love the whole ics status bar, but mostly the battery

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Awesome, Thanks, I did what you were talkin about my first go round, but all these ICS roms plave thexml file in different locations, so now I feel like a noob again, I miss those Moto themeing days, lol
Worked like a charm my friend, what's your secret, I wanna do a massive ics theme, but never have, any ideas on a starter guide?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Worked like a charm my friend, what's your secret, I wanna do a massive ics theme, but never have, any ideas on a starter guide?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

There's no secret, it's pretty easy. If you're only changing icons then you can just unzip the framework-res.apk file as if it were a zip file. Change the icons and re-zip it. If you need to change XML then you need to decompile and that can get hairy.

Try starting here: [THEME] The Ultimate Android Themeing Guide - Updated 4/26 - xda-developers and if you need to decompile/recompile I can give you the tools you need for that as well.
Matt, you might try out theme pro. I use it a lot for changing battery and other icons in the status bar. Every thing in it is automated, it decompiles, lets you modify the framework.res, then recompiles it and will push it back to your phone.