Memory Allocation Question


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
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I have the Droid Razr Maxx and notice that 8GB of the internal storage is dedicated to media. Other than some pics, I do not have any media files that I would store on my phone. Is there a way to reduce the memory allocated to media and free up some of the internal memory?
i too have problems with the way the storage is handled. i can't seem to use internal and memory card memory seamlessly. is there a trick to unlock flow? for example, i added a 32gig card and it says i only have 7.42GB of space available. can anyone suggest why there's this limitation?
Are you looking at the internal SD or the External card?
I think if you download Astro manager in the market you can move files where you want them.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
i have a question referent to this... i bought the maxx 32gb but i cant explain myself how they say its a 32gb,ok i know or understand its 16gb memory card and 16gb internal but i can see only 8gb internal??? same with the standard razr any help to understand this? thanks
PS. sorry my english lol
Up to 8g is being taken up by the OS.

some of it is bloat the rest system files.

----posted maxx'ed out----
i have a question referent to this... i bought the maxx 32gb but i cant explain myself how they say its a 32gb,ok i know or understand its 16gb memory card and 16gb internal but i can see only 8gb internal??? same with the standard razr any help to understand this? thanks
PS. sorry my english lol

I freaked out an entire Verizon store with this... took us time to figure it out but this is what we came up with. For some reason on the Razr and the Maxx rather than showing the 16GB total and 10 available the changed it to only show the available after the OS/bloat...

application storage should show about 2.43 GB (our guess was .57gb was to bloatware) total space should be 8gb leaving the other 5 gb (not shown) to the OS
So difference between razr 16gb and razr 32gb would be one with 16gb memory card and other without? ?? **** I would save the $50 buck and buy a32gb from amazon at$35 more or less lol

>==Sent From Razr Maxx=>
I have the bionic my wife has the 16gb razr, both are set up the same as far as internal memery. There is 8gb of internal storage labeled sdcard. 4gb ( really like 3.75) of "media storage" the rest is untouchable and used for the web top function. Your physical SD card is labeled as sdcard-ext. I think the way the internal storage is done now is a bit ridiculous and misleading.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I agree it is confusing. Especially the difference between App Storage and Internal Storage. I have made the SD available for music, photos and videos. The internal for apps. I have yet to change "Media Sync" to SD Card and still have plenty of Internal Storage. At this rate, I may never use it all. I We'll see though.
Yes it is and more when they are selling 2 different version 16and 32gb anyway I agree i use internal for apps and external for media like music photos videos etc......

>==Sent From Razr Maxx=>