OrangePixel has a series of titles in the Market, and the company is perhaps best known for the popular Mini Army: an interesting version of the classic Snake game. The developer has now released a new title that at least for fans of all things 8-bit almost seem too good to be true.
The game is called Meganoid, and it’s an homage to 80s and 90s games such as Mega Man and Metroid (hence the name). I personally grew up playing 8-bit Commodore 64, Sega and Nintendo games, so Meganoid’s retro, pixelart graphics, and its bitpop soundtrack and effects are right up my alley.
Meganoid is a platform game similar to the previously mentioned Mega Man, and even those who aren’t into retro gaming will probably enjoy it. OrangePixel has made the game free, and it also features OpenFeint integration with achievement awards. After finishing each level, you get Time and Diamond stars depending on how well you’ve performed. Worth mentioning is that OrangePixel has promised to deliver additional levels in future updates
The game is fast, fun, free, and it looks great: I recommend that you head to the Market and grab a bit of 8-bit nostalgia.