Pool Rebel is billiards simulation game. The Android version offers the following features:
- One Pocket and 14.1 Continuous pool games.
- OpenFeint Enabled
- Intuitive interface that allows control of every aspect of a shot
- Dynamic player hints help you avoid common mistakes during gameplay
- Save & Load a game at any stage. Automatically resume interrupted games
- Full game history with unlimited undo/redo functionality
- Adjustable difficulty levels (Full version offers fully customizable difficulty leves)
Market link is market://details?id=com.compumasterltd.poolrebellite
I'm a bit puzzled by some reviews where people claim that they cannot aim at all.
I would be grateful if you can download and try the game.
If it doesn't work for you please do let me know so I can find and fix the problem.
Thank you in advance,
Pool Rebel is billiards simulation game. The Android version offers the following features:

- One Pocket and 14.1 Continuous pool games.
- OpenFeint Enabled
- Intuitive interface that allows control of every aspect of a shot
- Dynamic player hints help you avoid common mistakes during gameplay
- Save & Load a game at any stage. Automatically resume interrupted games
- Full game history with unlimited undo/redo functionality
- Adjustable difficulty levels (Full version offers fully customizable difficulty leves)
Market link is market://details?id=com.compumasterltd.poolrebellite
I'm a bit puzzled by some reviews where people claim that they cannot aim at all.
I would be grateful if you can download and try the game.
If it doesn't work for you please do let me know so I can find and fix the problem.
Thank you in advance,