Hi there!
Long time Droid Forums lurker, first introduction post. I've actually been reading this forum since it started...I remember when the "When is 2.1 coming out?" drama was going down I was checking those threads constantly! Recent events have me finally registering for the forums so I thought I might say hello.
I just released my first android app which I've announced over in the App Announcements section ( http://www.droidforums.net/forum/app-announcements/140911-new-guitar-app-guitar-school.html ) - a new guitar app for android called "Guitar School."
It was the app release that finally had me sign up but I'm glad I'm here. It's nice to meet you guys, for real this time!
Long time Droid Forums lurker, first introduction post. I've actually been reading this forum since it started...I remember when the "When is 2.1 coming out?" drama was going down I was checking those threads constantly! Recent events have me finally registering for the forums so I thought I might say hello.
I just released my first android app which I've announced over in the App Announcements section ( http://www.droidforums.net/forum/app-announcements/140911-new-guitar-app-guitar-school.html ) - a new guitar app for android called "Guitar School."
It was the app release that finally had me sign up but I'm glad I'm here. It's nice to meet you guys, for real this time!