Lollipop With Root For The Verizon Note 3!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Thanks to some quick work from the Android Development community we now have Android 5.0 Lollipop with root for the Verizon Note 3! This comes in the form of the Jasmine rom. This is based on the stock N900 Rom but includes plenty stability, and performance optimizations. Jasmine Rom promises to support the Note 3 with updates long after Verizon stops sending updates so it may be worth checking out this rom! There are plenty of included features with this rom such as infinite scrolling, hidden toggles, all settings enabled such as wifi hotspot and flashlight, download booster toggle enabled, custom bootanimation, android L keyboard mod with more features and material design, and much more! Grab this rom from the link below.

via XDA
So jealous. I still have my Note 3 in my desk drawer but had to switch to the Note 4 because of the 3's reception issues. I was running Eclipse and loved it.