Just in case anyone didn't know, Jrummy and Kejar are aiming for this friday for and update for liberty.
The new version will be Liberty 1.75.
Just thought I'd share!dancedroid
UPDATES: the new version will be 2.0
From what I've heard it will be compatable with themes for 1.5
The new version will have a rom manager in the toolbox as well as other goodies.
Jrummy is in the hospital for a fall from what Imve heard and the release may be delayed.
Mobile sensei posted this before the hospital news, just so nobody is confused
"@jrummy16 Thanks for the comments
Feeling a lot better. Just a headache now. Looks like today won't make release but when it does it will be good."
For those who don't know, Liberty 2.0 dropped this week for donaters and will be available to the public when all the bugs are worked out. Expect it soon
Stay tuned.. I will be updating with more news.
The new version will be Liberty 1.75.
Just thought I'd share!dancedroid
UPDATES: the new version will be 2.0
From what I've heard it will be compatable with themes for 1.5
The new version will have a rom manager in the toolbox as well as other goodies.
Jrummy is in the hospital for a fall from what Imve heard and the release may be delayed.
jrummy had a little fall this evening (you know, with blood and hospitals and stuff)... so Liberty might not make release today.
however, i can share the new default wallpaper with you.
I am uploading themes to jrummys server as we speak. Gingerbread is NOT going to stop Liberty. 5 minutes ago, jrummy told me on gtalk that he would have a heavy coding day tomarrow trying to finish up the toolbox update. There is going to be a ROM Manager, we are working on that now...
Jrummy said he will be working on this all day & night tomarrow & hopefully have it finished by nights end. He is in California, so almost 4 hours behind east coast. It will be done soon, but be patient... It worth the wait.
And for anyone who's wodering, Im not leaking inside information... Im posting this with jrummy16's permission, so that everyone will have the straight word. Just please be patient, dont rush him & let him work his magic...
Also, as of yesterday, Dave Kover was still updating the stock theme & making the wallpaper... what I have posted here is a theme, except for the above picture which is the base stock theme when I received the beta to test & theme a while back...:blackdroid:
Mobile sensei posted this before the hospital news, just so nobody is confused
"@jrummy16 Thanks for the comments

For those who don't know, Liberty 2.0 dropped this week for donaters and will be available to the public when all the bugs are worked out. Expect it soon
Stay tuned.. I will be updating with more news.
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