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Liberty 2.0 toolbox question


I have a question and I'm feeling dumb right about now. My question is how in blue hell do I install themed apps and the blur camera on my phone? I keep getting "app not installed" message and I posted same question in the toolbox sticky thread but no one answered that question. Side question: do I need to install a liberty remember in order for said downloaded addons to properly work?

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2
I have a question and I'm feeling dumb right about now. My question is how in blue hell do I install themed apps and the blur camera on my phone? I keep getting "app not installed" message and I posted same question in the toolbox sticky thread but no one answered that question. Side question: do I need to install a liberty remember in order for said downloaded addons to properly work?

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2

What up, have u tried email jrummy? I believe he is sole developer of The toolbox.

Quick question, (a) has The toolbox app downloaded the apps? (b) Or have u downloaded them yourself and are just wanting to install them?

If (a) and the app won't install, where are you wanting them to be installed? (I) /data/ or (II) /system/?

if (I) then get a free file browser, or get terminal emulator, or use adb etc..., and navigate to the location of the successfully downloaded themed, blur camera app, and copy to /data/app/ and make sure to set permissions to 644(rw-r--r--)
if (II) then pay for root explorer, or cough cough...pay for my app absolute system... :P , or find a free version of a root GUI file explorer, or use (free) terminal emulator, or (free) adb to put your successfully downloaded themed app, or blur camera app in /system/app/ and set file permissions to the same 644(rw-r--r--).

and you should be good togo, maybe reboot.

if (b) then do the same as (I) :P

anywho let me know, we can get u going rather quickly if you have links/resources to what you want.

u said : Side question: do I need to install a liberty remember in order for said downloaded addons to properly work?

as seeing u said downloaded addons, then i'd go with (a) of what i said :)

and for my information does remember mean ROM?


if you need help using any of the options i described let me know, and i can probably help u :)
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K I feel more lost than ever lol. I downloaded the black Facebook themed app and blur camera straight from the liberty toolbox. I do have root explorer and terminal emulator on my phone. I did find the files through root explorer and when I tried to install said apps from there I still get a "app not installed" message again.

Oh I meant to say liberty theme not apologize. I'm now starting to hate predictive texting lok

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2
K, well then if they downloaded we'll try something

Do you currently have facebook app installed?

If you have facebook installed and are just wanting to install a themed version, use Root Explorer to navigate where the themed version was downloaded, long press that file and select copy.

Then just goto /data/app/ using Root Explorer and paste the app there.

I'm not sure how the downloaded themed app is named file wise, but if it's something like Themed.Facebook.app or something not starting with com. or org. then you need to find the unthemed version of Facebook app you have installed and delete it.

And once you have the themed version copied to /data/app/ or /system/app whichever you prefer, make sure to long press that file in Root Explorer and set the file permissions to 644(rw-r--r--)
Owner rw (read/write)
Group r (read)
Others r (read)
OK as a hunch I deleted the Facebook apologize I downloaded from the Android market and was finally successful with installing the themed Facebook app...now as far as the blur camera, should I delete the camera app that came with liberty and then install the blur app?

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2
if anything, maybe copy the camera app to ur sdcard unless you have the rom on your pc/mac/linux etc, as you can just extract that .apk from the zip of the ROM.

but if you downloaded the rom using ur phone then i'd say backup the camera to sdcard, just incase the blur version doesn't work it'll save u the time of having to re-download the whole rom just to fix a smaller apk
LOL k I was in the middle of backing up the app when you replied...great minds think alike lol. I'll post again if that route works but I do thank you in advance for your help

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2
OK I'm such an idiot...I was supposed to delete the apps then download apps and then it would install. I thought about it last night but thought that was too easy lol

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2
OK I'm such an idiot...I was supposed to delete the apps then download apps and then it would install. I thought about it last night but thought that was too easy lol

Kimo91's Liberated Droid 2

what do you mean, that was the instructions from The toolbox app? If so, cool you got it all worked out! :)
LOL I wish it came with instructions...I can build an airplane but couldn't for the life of me figure out liberty toolbox LOL

if its not Boeing, I'm not going...Team Boeing ROCKS!!!!
LOL I wish it came with instructions...I can build an airplane but couldn't for the life of me figure out liberty toolbox LOL

if its not Boeing, I'm not going...Team Boeing ROCKS!!!!

HAHAH, that's cool man, the greatest thing about these Android devices is they are so widespread and have great communities you can pretty much guarantee if you have any problems or questions about your device if you google it i can almost assure you 100% you'll either a. be sent to a address where your current problem has already been fixed/solved with details, or b. you'll find a great forum where you can participate in finding/helping/solving problems that interest you and others like you.

So by guessing you have a great capacity to learn/build/ask for help, you figure this all out as easily as fixing a plane :P

Anywho, hope all is well now, and do know by you asking questions, if you find your answer you are also making it a greater chance others in your situation can get their answers quickly! So don't hesitate to ask when you are in need. have a good1!
Lol thanks again for turning that proverbial lightbulb over my head and android does rock and am glad I left blackberry 5 months ago and this forum site is more friendlier than crackberry was.

BTW working/building/repairing airplanes is worlds easier than phones are LMAO

if its not Boeing, I'm not going...Team Boeing ROCKS!!!!
Go into Liberty ROM Manager. Install from SD. Go the the Liberty folder. And find what you want to install and click on it.

Edit: errr... nevermind. Already answered. =D