lg ally cancel upload of pictures


New Member
Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
New York
I was attempting to upload pictures to my facebook. One went through, just fine. There are 3 of them that are stuck or something all I can do is see the notification, at the top of task bar.
How do I cancel this??Is there anyway to make it stop?
Same Problem (Sorta)

I'm having the same problem with my Ally; I tried to upload a photo to my facebook and no matter if I'm using 3G or Wi-fi at many different places it will not move past 0%. I have tried holding down over their status bars in the drop down, even counting to 120 a few time, but it never lets me cancel it. Is there a longer, less intuitive way to cancel them? Or am I going to have to suck it up and go in to tech support because "my pictures won't stop not uploading to facebook." Now that would be embarrassing...
When cancel didn't work for me I powered down and back up. They were no longer loading upon reboot.
Thank you! Though I ended up seeing a friend of mine (Who seems to know everything about Android) just 10 minutes before you posted and he had me do a hard reset, I'm believe that both powering it off and on may and the hard reset could have worked. Anyway in cleared the notifications and I'm back to normal. Again thank you for you fast reply.:)