Launcher Pro Beta Very Slow on inc.

So i researched this quite a bit before posting this, and read quite a bit of contrasting information. I much prefer the Launcher pro home app over HTC Sense, mainly because of the menu bar/dock at the bottom. But when i run it, it seems to be very slow, and from what i can tell, it is running in addition to HTC sense. It doesnt show up in advanced task killer (obviously) but the "available memory" part of atk dropped by around 100M (before installing it always read around 150M, after installing it rarely goes above 50M, whether im in htc sense or launcherpro). any way of solving this? oh and battery life actually seemed better while running launcher pro, but the phone was dramatically slower, so i unistalled it. Any help would be appreciated thank you


So i researched this quite a bit before posting this, and read quite a bit of contrasting information. I much prefer the Launcher pro home app over HTC Sense, mainly because of the menu bar/dock at the bottom. But when i run it, it seems to be very slow, and from what i can tell, it is running in addition to HTC sense. It doesnt show up in advanced task killer (obviously) but the "available memory" part of atk dropped by around 100M (before installing it always read around 150M, after installing it rarely goes above 50M, whether im in htc sense or launcherpro). any way of solving this? oh and battery life actually seemed better while running launcher pro, but the phone was dramatically slower, so i unistalled it. Any help would be appreciated thank you

Its good to clear your old home of widgets and just to be on the safe side your icons.


oh and also i read somewhere that i should just set a blank slate on HTC sense(like you said) and "Restore Defaults" and "Force Close", but my problem with that is i dont want to lose my setup in HTC sense should i decide to switch back. i have it saved as a scene, so if i do the reset & blank slate & force close thing, will i still be able to switch back to HTC sense and use my old setup should i decide i want to do that?


oh and also i read somewhere that i should just set a blank slate on HTC sense(like you said) and "Restore Defaults" and "Force Close", but my problem with that is i dont want to lose my setup in HTC sense should i decide to switch back. i have it saved as a scene, so if i do the reset & blank slate & force close thing, will i still be able to switch back to HTC sense and use my old setup should i decide i want to do that?

Yeah, if it's saved as a scene then all you have to do is pick it to restore all of your widgets, icons, and I think even your wallpaper if you decide to return to the stock launcher.


Don't forget to poke around in the settings of launcherpro and mess with the memory settings. Dramatic improvements have been noted by editing the memory usage to your phone's liking. Every phone is different and different memory settings are required for each.


I have been using LauncherPro for quite a while on my inc, and wouldn't go back to sense. I also have recently rooted and tried some roms with much less sense running in the background. It is very noticable how much more fluid or smooth everything is


New Member
Cant get LauncherPro to work at all

Loaded LPB, but can't figure out how to get it going, or even find it. Help.


New Member
Loaded LPB, but can't figure out how to get it going, or even find it. Help.

Well, I figured in out with a post on the LP website, but had to download Homeswitcher to do it.

Now, is there a way to copy my settings and icons from the Sense (verizon) UI, to the LP UI, so I don't have to start over?