Last Post Wins.....Ver 2

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Just flip flops? This I gotta see.
Never again will I go near a topless/nude beach. There isn't enough eye bleach!!!
It's never what we're thinking... Felt that way walking along the French Riviera beaches, my thoughts /visions were crushed...
You've obviously never been to the aforementioned beaches in South Florida. HubbaHubba! GiggittyGiggittyGiggitty!

S5 tap'n
It's not that there's not nice views, it's simply to many of the others.
How are the beaches up north there?
I prefer the regular beaches here, and we have the largest legal nude beach in the US here in SD, Blacks Beach, great surfing too.
But also lots and lots of men... Not my thing, and the surfing there isn't worth the pain, there are plenty of other spots for that...

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Win... 'cause I'm over the danged flu :)
Back to work today..... I guess that's a win too
My win....
Why do I find this game so compelling? Oh, yeah, my infantile mind.....
ANOTHER winter storm ....*sigh*
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