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Am I just missing it, or does it seem like everyone has sort of given up on the bionic? It doesn't seem like very many themes/roms get released for it...Everything seems to revolve around the nexus
I hope we get some developers back. Nitro seems to be developing Eclipse Rom still, which is a great rom.
Honestly a lot of Android phones suffer from low development these days. This is the fragmentation that people say doesn't exist. I have had 5 Android devices and development doesn't seem to last long on any of them (except the Droid 1). There are too few developers and they seem to be jumping to the latest phones as soon as they come out. Just wait til the quadcore phones or padfones start to roll out in 4 months...every current development section will be pretty much dead. I would have jumped on the Nexus myself if it wasnt a Samsung and didn't get bad data reception. I did a speedtest the other day with my Bionic, Rezound, Razr and Gnex. All got 10mps, except the Gnex that got 3mps...Fail.
*BTW I love the Bionic, and I think it is one of the best phones out, but I hate the encrypted bootloader. This is definitely my last encrypted bootloader phone.
Technology can never be kept up with, lol. The latest is the "best" and thats why developers most likely want to move on to different phones. As much as I love my Bionic, I wish I had the Galaxy Nexus, if I had the money, I would go pay full retail. Hope we get some new developers in the Bionic forums.
I doesn't help that we pressure the devs that we had to the point it seemed like a job instead of a hobby. We as a community understand the risk we take when modding our devices but as soon as something abnormal happens we turn into a frenzy.
At this point in the the game everyone is waiting on ICS. Its difficult for devs to go all out because of this danm Locke bootloader. So for the time being I'd suggest you update to. 901 strap on eclipse or theory rom throw on a theme and settle in.
Very few people are blaming the developers. I blame Motorola and VZW for locking the bootloader and trying to patch the root path and releasing 5.5.901 which helped with nothing.
However, there's no denying that the enthusiasm levels for the bionic are low and I am thinking of doing the best buy exchange thing for the Galaxy Nexus.
I will say Eclipse Roms are great and stable. It is sad that devs move on so quickly, but like it was said earlier, it pays to work on the most up-to-date equipment. I feel that the reason the Droid 1 dev community was so strong for so long was because nothing really compared to it and it was the first generation.
Rooted Droid Bionic
Eclipse 2.0 Rom
RedBliss Theme
Extended Battery