I've been doing some scouring on and off for the past two days to find a suitable keylogger app for a client's special needs but I'm coming up short. I'm looking specifically for an app that will allow someone to monitor gtalk usage and conversations, specifically for android devices.
So far, I've come up with:
* stealthgenie, which advertises that it can monitor gtalk but actually doesn't have it implemented yet and has no timeframe for when it will be implemented.
* Mobile Spy, which advertises remote live screen viewing but it doesn't support it on android devices. This would allow viewing of gtalk as it's occurring but isn't optimal as it has no logging and would be difficult to catch the employee in the act.
* A PC keylogger won't work in this case as we're looking specifically to target mobile phone activity
* Pulling logs on gtalk won't work because there's suspicion that the employee is already attempting to hide his tracks.
Anyone know of an app that will work for monitoring gtalk?
So far, I've come up with:
* stealthgenie, which advertises that it can monitor gtalk but actually doesn't have it implemented yet and has no timeframe for when it will be implemented.
* Mobile Spy, which advertises remote live screen viewing but it doesn't support it on android devices. This would allow viewing of gtalk as it's occurring but isn't optimal as it has no logging and would be difficult to catch the employee in the act.
* A PC keylogger won't work in this case as we're looking specifically to target mobile phone activity
* Pulling logs on gtalk won't work because there's suspicion that the employee is already attempting to hide his tracks.
Anyone know of an app that will work for monitoring gtalk?