Just gotta say hello.


New Member
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
WA State
Just a hello, I've been wandering the forums since not long after the release of the Droid. Coming from crackberry.com. Hopefully I can help people out as much as possible, but from reading through the posts, there are a lot of knowledgeable people around that can help me when I'm lost. Thanks! :motdroidhoriz:
Welcome to the world of the Droid and CB. I was a Crackberry addict for a few years myself and used to post on the Storm forum the past year, and before that on the Curve forum. Hope you're enjoying your Droid experience.
Welcome to the board PT! You will love this phone, I'm learning something new about it everyday!
Welcome to the forums phattimmy....

Glad to have you onboard here.
Thanks everyone, I've bought my Droid two days after release, so I've been having a lot of fun with it.