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Just got my Droid X, now what??


New Member
Hello all,

Been browsing the forums today and still have some questions. I have been an iPhone user for the last few years. Well, I became fed up with ATT and their lack of service and Apple themselves. Wouldn't you know it...just in time for a Droid X! This thing is great! However, I am soooo "in over my head" at this point seeing as I am used to an iphone. So my main question is: What should I do first? What apps are 'must-haves'. I am noticing that an app killer is a must. But what else does everyone suggest? Also, what are these 'bar code' looking things as I surf the android market and other pages that are associated with apps? Anyway, any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

B dancedroid
To start, I'd definitely replace the native text messaging app with either Handcent or ChompSMS. After you install go to Text Messaging>>>>Settings and turn off the notifications. That will keep you from getting multiple notifications when you get a text.

System Panel Lite would also do some good. It has a built in task killer if you want one, but be warned that if you kill everything it literally kills everything (someone was saying that it killed their USB and they couldn't charge their phone without a reboot, if I remember right). It also lets you view CPU and memory usage. The paid version lets you track what apps have been using the most processor cycles and such.

Mini Info is a widget that I personally enjoy. Shows battery life left, as well as internal disk space and SD card space left. Doesn't seem to use a lot of battery to use either.

If you're a social networker, Facebook for Android is a great one for FB. For Twitter, I use Touiteur. Free version is great, though there is a paid version if you deem it worth it (although Tweetdeck is rumored to be coming to Android so you may want to wait for that).

For weather and clock widgets, I've heard Beautiful Widgets is a great app to have. I don't have this one, but I'm sure someone will chip in.

I also use LauncherPro. It replaces the stock launcher, and is very much smoother to scroll with. There's a paid version with some extra options, though the free version works great for me. Hope this helped some
Thanks so much for the help thus far. Not really into that mail app, but maybe it'll grow on me. Could be user error with the difficulties in setting up an exchange acct anyway, lol. Loving the Launcher Pro app as well as Handcent. Thanks again!
This might help you with Exchange problems in K9: K9MailAndExchange - k9mail - Advice on how to configure K-9 Mail to work with Exchange - Project Hosting on Google Code

Also, Touchdown is supposed to work well with exchange.

The stock email client on Android is buggy. See: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-2-general-discussions/69443-email-alerts.html#post725953

When installing another e-mail app, do I need to disable the original? Or does the new app override the original app? Thx
When installing another e-mail app, do I need to disable the original? Or does the new app override the original app? Thx

I just removed the account from the stock app. Trust me, the thing is flakey. K9 does not override the original app.
Hello all,

Been browsing the forums today and still have some questions. I have been an iPhone user for the last few years. Well, I became fed up with ATT and their lack of service and Apple themselves. Wouldn't you know it...just in time for a Droid X! This thing is great! However, I am soooo "in over my head" at this point seeing as I am used to an iphone. So my main question is: What should I do first? What apps are 'must-haves'. I am noticing that an app killer is a must. But what else does everyone suggest? Also, what are these 'bar code' looking things as I surf the android market and other pages that are associated with apps? Anyway, any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

B dancedroid

Just received my DX today 8/12 and like OP i'm was excited and then
now what???

Thanks Jester and otheres for ur input and feedback it really helps.

My 1st objective is to get a nice theme. There was a Black Glass theme
called eclair that I can't mange to find now.

Keep the info coming.

I like sweeter home launcher. You have to get it from his website instead of the market. Only get it if you want TOTAL customizability.

As you can see from my signature, I also use tap talk for forums.

Weather can be had free from weather channel or weather bug. I have both on my phone.

Lots of good stuff. You just have read and figure out what you want.

Oh... I also use locale. Its a pretty crazy program...

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I was in the same place you are now. Ive used the iphone for the last 3ish years and was tired of att's service so I switched to verizon and the droid x. One of the first things i did was install a task killer to auto kill some tasks and so on because like you said it was something that everyone seemd to have. For some reason googling android started apps ect. would always show a task killer. My droid x was very laggy and always freezing for 1or so seconds as I did normal phone operations. It was iritaiting but if it wasnt for my wife getting the same phone I probally would have lived with the lag and freezes. But my wifes phone (which was completly stock with no task killer) was running quick and smooth. She never had problems or exsperenced anything I was. After acually looking into task killers, thats when I knoticed there are serveral posts claiming that task killer were indeed not needed and most of the time caused more problems then anything. I removed the killer and the phone has been great every since. I can never see myself going back to an Iphone. dancedroid
Where is everyone seeing that a task killer is a must? Everything I read of any substance says that the built-in android task killer does a fine job and any task killer you download is probably more trouble than it's worth.

I called into VZW to order the extended battery - the rep I spoke to also had an X so we struck up a convo and next thing I know he is suggesting that I download ATK...I actually laughed at him...
First go with a new launcher. Launcher pro or ADW seem to be the best. I use Launcher Pro and have tried ADW but I like LP better. (Free)

Next I would get Beautiful Widgets. I pretty much use it just for the clock and weather widget. Also comes with some other useful widgets. ($3 I believe)

Like another user said, I would get Handcent to replace the stock texting. (Free)

Lookout is a great app to locate your Droid X anytime you want by logging into their website. Can also set off a loud alarm to locate the phone and you can backup your contacts, pictures, texts, etc. (Free)

Alarm Clock Plus V2 is a much better alarm clock then the stock alarm. Can make it so you have to do a math problem in order to snooze or turn off the alarm. (Free)

Tasker is an incredible app that lets you setup automatic tasks. Examples would be: Turning your phone on vibrate when you get into a certain area (work), turning your brightness all the way up when you receive a phone call or text, turning your gps on when you go into google maps, turn on your wifi when you go into explorer or the market. (around $6).

If you root your phone, theres a lot of great apps as well. And you can theme your phone as well.

And there's so many more. This is my first smart phone and already I have it rooted and themed. So it's not too hard to figure this thing out. Just have to give it a little time. I would def just go through the market and download and try different apps. Also read up on these forums and droidxforums.com.

Hope this helps! GOOD LUCK.