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Judge Koh pleads for 'global peace' between Apple & Samsung; Apple Remains Defiant


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The Apple and Samsung appeals battle in Judge Lucy Koh's courtroom just kicked off again. This time, Judge Koh started by pleading for "global peace" between the two parties. After getting some laughter from the courtroom over this request, she reiterated, "I'm not joking... it would be good for consumers and good for the industry."

Samsung's lawyers shared that they would be "willing to talk." Unfortunately, and perhaps unsurprisingly, Apple remained defiant. Here's a quote with a few more details,

Apple thinks that the over a billion sum it was awarded in a judgment was merely a “slap on the wrist” for Samsung, and does not stop there.

Apple once again slammed Samsung’s designs, saying they are purposefully on the edge to get away from legal trouble.

Of course, after this response, Samsung resumed their incensed stance and accused Apple of “competing through the courts rather than the marketplace.” After this exchange, it was simply back to "business as usual" for the two feuding factions, and the saga continues...

Source: PhoneArena
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Apple is just pissed that another one of their patents has been made invalid by the USPTO...lol. That 1 billion amount is about to become alot smaller.... To me it seems like the judge and the USPTO are thinking the exact same things for a change.
Me thinks the biased judge sees an overturn coming and is trying to head off the embarrassment.
Apple did itself no help by defiance of the court ruling in the UK earlier this year. Though they are not directly related, judges are simply lawyers wearing a robe and they are ALL thick a thieves.

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From a Beano
Interesting. I've never really liked Judge Koh but I think she's a little to late to start trying to make peace.
And now in addition to Apple's "rubber band" patent being ruled invalid, the USPTO has just issued a First Office action that rules Apple's multitouch patent invalid.

USPTO Declares Apple’s Multitouch “Steve Jobs” Patent Invalid, The Crowd Goes Wild – Droid Life

Looks like pretty soon Samsung will have plenty of ammunition to have the Apple suit dismissed altogether. Can't be found guilty of patent infringement if the patents are invalid in the first place.

Yea this is what I was referencing earlier. Me thinks Apple is just mad things arent going according to plan.
Didn't Apple sue HTC over the rubberband patent? Wonder if HTC has any recourse to go & get their money back.

HTC settled and signed a license agreement with Apple. Too late for them. They would also have to wait out all of the appeals that Apple would undoubtedly file against losing the patent.
With Judge Koh's 'global peace' statement, I can't help but wonder that she may have thought that she would have appeased Apple with the billion dollar suit, and now that Apple shows no sign of letting up, she's is changing her tune a bit, and maybe because she is embarrassed. She may have thought all along that this is beloni, but that she would award Apple the cash pay out to make a statement out of the case and so get rid of it. Now that yet back fired, she is taking another look at things.....
With Judge Koh's 'global peace' statement, I can't help but wonder that she may have thought that she would have appeased Apple with the billion dollar suit, and now that Apple shows no sign of letting up, she's is changing her tune a bit, and maybe because she is embarrassed. She may have thought all along that this is beloni, but that she would award Apple the cash pay out to make a statement out of the case and so get rid of it. Now that yet back fired, she is taking another look at things.....

Just curious - is "beloni" anything like bologna?
This is an excellent article about the Apple/Samsung rivalry.

Apple and Samsung: A defining rivalry in a changed mobile market - Yahoo! News

I can totally see now why Apple is so scared of Samsung and have (last week) submitted the unprecedented request to the courts to impose a permanent import injunction on all of Samsung's future products. I can't imagine any court willing to stop the import of future products that may or may not violate patents that incidentally Apple may no longer hold in the future. An interesting tidbit from the article....during Q3 of this year (July through September), Samsung sold double the number of smartphones Apple did (56 million) and analysts expects Samsung to sell 30 million more smartphones that Apple in Q4.
Just curious - is "beloni" anything like bologna?

Bologna is a lunch meat product.
Beloni is a term that is acceptable to the forum swear filter for male cow excrement or in Spanish caca de toro :D

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