It seems like it has been forever since there was buzz surrounding Sailfish OS. It was announced that Jolla would bring the Sailfish OS to Android which of course was pretty exciting. There are still aspirations of bringing the full on Sailfish OS experience to various Android devices, however Jolla is no where near having this ready. So that we don't have to keep waiting they have decided to bring the Jolla Launcher to the Play Store. They already have an Alpha version ready for download for those who are apart of the Alpha tester team. This will allow Android users to experience a taste of Sailfish OS without having to completely abandon their current mobile OS. You can try out the Jolla launcher by emailing In the email you will need to relinquish some information such as your name, the device you plan to use the launcher on, and you will need to be using either a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5. Jolla is happy to let you try out this new launcher but you will need to agree to provide feedback and report bugs. More info can be found at the jolla blog.
Via TheJollaBlog