I purchased my first Nexus in December. It started off poorly as it dropped calls constantly. Being self employed, this was a really bad thing. The Verizon store managed to fix the problem. I think they changed the SIM card. Then I broke it. Which made me sad. Then I got a new Nexus. Which made me happy. It worked fine for a while. All of a sudden it would go from full 4G to an X symbol on my connection icon. It got to the point that it was not usable. Verizon either didn't believe me or was to busy to care. I had to hold the phone in their face to show them that I wasn't crazy. So now I'm on my third Nexus. They offered to put me into a Razor but, out of sheer stubbornness, I stayed with Nexus. I just could not believe that this was the great phone that was talked about do much. In fact, I had a discussion with my Verizon rep about this very fact. He was telling me how great this phone was. At that point I couldn't contain my frustration. I said to the man, really? Great? In what way? How about these state of the art pogo pins that I can't use. I'll give you a hundred bucks of you go out back and find one accessory that goes with this. Anything! He had nothing. In fact he still doesn't. Which still causes my knuckles to crack. Then I went on and on about things that I have already discussed here. He said and I am sure you are thinking the same thing, get rid of it if you hate it so much and maybe I should have. But every time I got to that point, I just couldn't do it. It sounds stupid, I know it does. I knew what I would get if I switched to another phone. I felt that this Nexus could be so much more and for some reason, Google, Samsung, and Verizon didn't seem to care. Maybe it was the up coming court battle, maybe Verizon and Google hate each other, I don't know, I felt that the phone was just being left to fail. Did anyone else feel that way? I mean, After six months you could buy the phone for $99.00. The Razor cost more and it was six months older.
Anyway, Jelly Bean came along finally and I got the Verizon version. You know what?,
This is a different phone. The camera, the responsiveness, the lack of errors. This is the phone I thought I was buying in December. I love this thing. I'm still pissed that I can use these STUPID pogo pins for anything but I am glad that I suck with this phone. Sigh........ that's about it.
Anyway, Jelly Bean came along finally and I got the Verizon version. You know what?,
This is a different phone. The camera, the responsiveness, the lack of errors. This is the phone I thought I was buying in December. I love this thing. I'm still pissed that I can use these STUPID pogo pins for anything but I am glad that I suck with this phone. Sigh........ that's about it.