Introducing the Icon Pack - Series 2




We are super excited to announce our second Android Avatar Compliation Pack. As you may be aware from our first pack we have these icons custom designed for us based on user suggestions. This pack is a half our ideas and half user suggestions. The next pack is going to be 100% user suggestions.

You can check out the existing suggestion thread here so you don't re-suggest an already existing Android. In addition, you can "vote" for your favorite suggestions by "liking" the post... our next submission will be the top suggestions based on this vote criteria so please participate!

Introducing the Icon Pack - Series 1

OK, onto the current set we have the following Androids/Droids...

  • Pirate Android
  • Dr. Android
  • Lab Android
  • Emo Android
  • Droidette
  • Muscle Android
  • Bionic Droid
  • Construction Android
  • Frankendroid
  • Android Gamer
If you suggested one of these Androids, congrats! Feel free to let us know if the final product meets your expectations or your vision when you suggested it, we'd love to hear some feedback.

Instructions for how to submit your suggestion are contained in this thread: Introducing the Icon Pack - Series 1

You can download the full pack via zip here:
Thanks! I love the icons. Would be nice to have some more girl Droids, though. :icon_ banana: