

Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Kennesaw, GA
Hello everyone!

Not official yet, but I'm impatiently waiting for my DROID to arrive in the mail. I've been a loyal and long time Blackberry user. Decided to give Android a try so came by the forum a couple days ago to learn a bit about the Droid.

Now I am hating that I've waited so long! Can't describe how excited I am to join the community. You got a great forum here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
Hello everyone!

Not official yet, but I'm impatiently waiting for my DROID to arrive in the mail. I've been a loyal and long time Blackberry user. Decided to give Android a try so came by the forum a couple days ago to learn a bit about the Droid.

Now I am hating that I've waited so long! Can't describe how excited I am to join the community. You got a great forum here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

Welcome and congratulations, dtdlurch! You've made a wise decision and you won't be disappointed in your choice when that Droid finally arrives! Start with the FAQs and then move on to whatever sparks your interest in the threads - you'll be amazed at just how much you can teach yourself!
Hope your new toy arrives SOON! Enjoy! :welcome: