Installing TWRP On The Lenovo Zuk Z1


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Oct 6, 2011
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I have had the privilege of using the Zuk Z1 for the past few weeks. For a plastic budget phone this device is super sturdy and doesn't look or feel cheap. The best part is that this phone runs CyanogenOS natively. CyanogenOS is pretty great. It performs well and battery life is great. You also have plenty of customization options. If you love CyanogenOS chances are you are itching to try other custom roms.

With the Zuk Z1 you can do this pretty easily. You need to have an unlocked bootloader, and TWRP installed to do so. Installing TWRP is pretty simple. Once you have your bootloader unlocked, download the recovery image and place it in the folder on your PC that contains your fastboot and adb files. Boot your phone into fastboot mode and connect it to the PC.

The command you will need to run is as follows:

fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery z1.twrp.

Once twrp is installed you will be able to make full backups and install roms and mods. Grab the twrp file from the link below.

via XDA