Infinite Bandwidth Is Now A Reality Using Spiraling Radio Waves


The GRD Dev Team
Premium Member
Jun 5, 2010
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[h=2]Infinite Bandwidth Is Now A Reality Using Spiraling Radio Waves[/h]
Now, I’m not even going to pretend to know how this works. But I’ll do my best to explain it. Some mad scientists in some part of the world have managed to develop these spiraling radio waves that have the potential to deliver “infinite” bandwidth. Pretty nuts. These radio waves accomplish this task by twisting and spinning as they travel about the air, making — if viewable by the naked eye — the shape of common spiral pasta.
The radio waves can be independently “generated, propagated and detected” while using the exact same frequency band but acting as independent communication channels. The team of researchers demonstrated these pasta inspired radio waves using the 2.4GHz band with 2 of the waves but promise more twisty waves can be added into the mix to simultaneously send more data.

Now, if Sprint could jump on this new technology, maybe they could free up some of that bandwidth being hogged by all their new iPhone customers.
[New Journal of Physics and PhysOrg | Via Gizmodo]

Source : phandroid
Sounds like a potentially huge breakthrough.

But before people get all excited over unlimited and unrestricted data, remember that it all ultimately has to go thru the pipes owned mostly by Cable companies. And they won't continue to charge $3 access fees per wireless access point while those people cut the proverbial $50 cord.
Sounds like a potentially huge breakthrough.

But before people get all excited over unlimited and unrestricted data, remember that it all ultimately has to go thru the pipes owned mostly by Cable companies. And they won't continue to charge $3 access fees per wireless access point while those people cut the proverbial $50 cord.

Very true i was more excited for the development of this great technology
Great news, and something I'm sure to look further into as time goes on.

A quick babble tho,

There is a difference in being able to generate bandwidth, and having the capacity to handle it.
Great news, and something I'm sure to look further into as time goes on.

A quick babble tho,

There is a difference in being able to generate bandwidth, and having the capacity to handle it.

Very true sir ...I should have mentioned That but this is a start
Could this work like OTA internet where it's broadcast wirelessly from towers to your receiver, therefore bypassing cable companies and such?
Could this work like OTA internet where it's broadcast wirelessly from towers to your receiver, therefore bypassing cable companies and such?

Cant bypass them No they have experiments with whole communitys in Europe that have wireless internet /WIFI through mini towers something similar to cellphone towers it does not Bypass them you still have to pay for the service ...such as it is a added service for them ...........Nothing is ever free ....That sucks I know :(
It's always cool to hear about this stuff. Till you realize that it'll take years for it to actually be implemented :frown:
It's always cool to hear about this stuff. Till you realize that it'll take years for it to actually be implemented :frown:

Yeah but atleast its advancing imagine how far technology has come since 1980's & it wont take that long wait for a mega company to get this technology like comcast & it will be implemented pretty fast