Incredible no bars=Great service?


Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
When is HTC going to correct the zero bars equaling 4 bars or great service on the phones?
At least they are honest

Unlike some people who say " more bars in more places " ( bars that mean nothing ) HTC and Verison are giving you bars that mean something. I have never had a droped call with one bar. Actually I have never had a droped call.:rating10:
Unlike some people who say " more bars in more places " ( bars that mean nothing ) HTC and Verison are giving you bars that mean something. I have never had a droped call with one bar. Actually I have never had a droped call.:rating10:
Neither have I had any dropped calls. I just ignore the bars and go about my day to day life. Some are so addicted to the bars they need a life. Wait......... I am addicted to bars but mine serve drinks.
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