ICS anticipation

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I think its funny to see how many "we're never getting this" threads pop up every time an OS upgrade is announced. We saw the same thing when upgrading from froyo to GB. Just be patient, it will be released. Why would Motorola spend time working on ICS for the bionic just to dump it and leave users on GB? It makes no business sense to pay for man hours for no end product, and in my opinion the only reason to dump ICS would be to skip it for jellybean. Chill out, it may not be when you want it, but it will come.
what does Moto get out of this upgrade at all? They won't make any more money, since the phones have already been sold. They don't charge for updates, although they probably could. You are not guaranteed anything beyond the OS your phone came with, regardless of if when you bought it they advertised as "ICS ready".

Now I do think that they will eventually give us an official release of the software, since they have been promising it since like a week after ICS was announced. Plenty of us are happy with the leaked updates that have come about. They can't be that far off from an official release.

The Bionic has been the whipping boy of the smartphone game since it was released (very very late), only to be upstaged by the RAZR and D4, and then the MAXX. I think its more of an inferiority complex that we have all been dealing with. Kind of like a "hey don't forget that you did promise us that ICS release, wasn't it early Q3 we were supposed to see it".
jayman350 said:
what does Moto get out of this upgrade at all? They won't make any more money, since the phones have already been sold.".

I would disagree, if Motorola earns a reputation of not supporting their products why would people continue to buy their phones, they get customer loyalty if they continue to support the bionic along with other moto phones.
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