Icons not lining up all of a sudden.

Big D

Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
Not a big deal, but I wonder if it's evidence of a bigger issue.

It's happened before and a soft reboot fixed it for a day or so.

What should I do?
Am I the only one who has seen this?
It's happened to me once and with just one icon on my home screen. Mine occured after I was experimenting with a homemade multimedia dock with a strong magnet. I thought the magnet may have been the problem. Did a reboot and problem went away, hasn't come back but I have not used the dock again.
could you take a picture? i've never seen this myself.
My home screen had one vertical row of icons shift up about half their height. It returned to normal by itself and I do use the dock.
If it continues to happen, I would wipe the phone and start over. I know that kind of sucks, but it very well could fix the issue.
My Droid did that too for a few days, but all is fine now. For me it was that the icons were in the normal two rows, but not in a straight horizontal line, some were higher, some lower.