I just got home from picking up my Fascinate. Buy one, get one free, so my neice has a surprise waiting for her when she gets here. $149.99 after rebates. $100 Verizon rebate and $50 BJ's (east coast Sams Club type store) rebate.
So far I like it. My Droid was rooted and running at 1.2 gig. The Fascinate is sooooo much zippier!
Volume on it is not quite the Droid 1, but better than the Droid X. I'd have a DX if it wasn't for that.
My main dissapointment is the 2 gig internal memory. I went in knowing this, but to find only 1.5 gig of that 2 gig available, that was a bit more dissapointing. Still, it's 6 times more than the Droid 1. I'm sure when I root, some of the bloat will be removed.
Another dissapointment is that my contacts from Google don't sync over. I hope not. Still gotta look into that more, but I have the feeling we're stuck using Backup Assistant on this device.
Reception on it is typical Samsung. I live in an area where you barely have a signal in one spot, but take 2 steps and there is now no signal. Moto phones have always had the best reception for me, LG being the worst. This one doesn't quite pick up that signal like the Droid, but it's still possible in the right position.
It's only been about an hour. Still lots to try on this device.
I hated to part with the D1, but I like gadgets and upgrading is what I like to do.
First impressions were good. No buyers remorse. Yet.