In defense of the RAZR, and given my somewhat brutal post yesterday, I will say this:
I wish my Bionic's back cover was made of the same material that the RAZR has. While I haven't had a problem with it yet, I miss the slightly more durable feel of the D1. Also, it looked like there was a dedicated camera button? above the volume rocker in the commercial. I'll admit, that would be nice since sometimes my Bionic and I don't get along when trying to take pictures. However, those few things do not make up for an otherwise "meh" device. Non-removable battery, small jump in clock speed, a screen that probably won't be as view-able as the Bionic's in direct sunlight. And the shape...a touch too Droid Photon for my tastes around the edges. But the thinness of the device will appeal to a lot of people, and if it wins us more from the iOS camp, I'm all for it. Android will, eventually, take over the world after all.