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HTC One M8 questions


New Member
Hi all, I just got my M8 at Verizon a few days ago, some of these are not unique to the M8 but here goes:

1) The battery is lithium based right so the suggestions made by FoxKat Here: and here hold true?

2) Does the NFC drain the battery much? I don't use it at all but wondering if there are any reprucussions for turning it off

3) Power saver Mode, not available in the US unless rooted? Just trying to maximize battery life. I can't seem to find it per the instructions given on the HTC site, US site.

Still a few days into use. Only charged it 3x so far.

On the radar:
Not sure if Chrome is using more battery than it should I downloaded GSAM battery monitor to take a closer look at was is using up the battery. Not that it's the battery use is bad but any little bit helps.
1 - Always trust FoxKat.
2 - I haven't noticed any drain on mine.
3 - I don't use it.

Are you saying your battery life is subpar? I can go all day using mine. If I use it heavily, then it'll be down below 15% by night time.

By heavily, I went golfing yesterday. I use the GolfLogix app to track my shots and score which uses the GPS a lot. To and from the course (30 minutes each way) I used the Mobile Hotspot to share out my internet to my tablet in my truck that I use for streaming music. Then when I got home I used it to play games and read some emails. By the time I plugged it in at night it was around 25%. I'd say that's pretty good battery life.

So, no matter what the percentage left is at night, I always plug it in prior to going to bed. I always get a full day out of it. I have yet to have to plug it in during the day. I have done a battery recondition on it by turning it off, allowing it to charge fully using the OG charger. FoxKat recommends this be done once per month and I second it.
Initially when I started the thread I wasn't having "problems" I posted this in the battery thread,

I took it off the charger last night and I woke up with it at 93%. It had a lot of little wake locks. I haven't rooted my phone. I used the history in the power settings. I disabled the location reporting to see if that is what's keeping it awake. Since, like I mentioned, I haven't rooted I can't find the exact cause of what keeps it awake.

I do use the music app a lot so I understand that keeps it awake. Just trying to optimize the phone to my needs.

Thanks for the feedback.
Something's running in standby mode. It could be an app. It could be a setting. It's kinda hard to trouble shoot. It could just be GPS searching. I have that happen and kill my battery. I've found that most Android devices have something running in the background and trying to figure out what is very challenging. I have a Nexus 7 that will be dead after 2 weeks if I just let it set there without using it. Apple does a better job of not wasting the battery when you aren't using the device.
I guess without rooting and running the wake locks app I won't be able to pinpoint it until nighttime when I don't run any apps. Here is what it looks like as of now.


I had a 6% drain overnight. I had turned off the Location Reporting prior to this. I will turn off Location Reporting completely. If I notice that the phone doesn't wake up at night then I know that was it.

I will probably leave it on if that is the case though since I do use the weather app. But at least I'll know if this is what is causing a slow drain. On my Maxx I had put it so the weather would refresh using Wi-fi whenever I manually synced. Can't find that option here.