Honeycomb Lockscreen to DX


New Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I know that it isn't possible to get the full honeycomb on phones as it is designed for tablets, I have the honeycomb boot animation on my DX and I was wondering if it is possible to get the honeycomb lock screen on the DX I think it's pretty neat and different than most.
I would love this...however it isn't a simple port over to our platform.

my guess is that it would need some sort of lock screen replacement app. someone needs to make this as i also think it is B.A.
anyone know at all lol please? or can somoeone please port it over that would be great too :i-m_so_happy::)
i am running apex 1.4.1 with a theme called honeybread that has a look alike, but it still slides in the same fashion. i have seen on xda where this has been ported to other phones, but the locked bootloader keeps us out in the cold for now.