

New Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Hi to the droid forum. I have gotten a wealthof information so far from everyone's posts. I think the big question is whether to try rootin gmy phone though I am anxois about the responsibility that seems to entail. I kind of like relying on the mercy of Verizon to handle my misfortunes. Nonetheless I am tempted. thanks to everyone who so graciously shares there knowledge and skills with us noobs.
:welcome: sundialman to the Droid Forums. Right now if you are running 2.2 and want to root I think you need to use sbf to go back to 2.0.1. I don't think there is any other way to do it but if I'm wrong someone will correct me. Then I'll probably correct them. Then somebody will push, someone will throw a punch and BacknBlack will show up with a gun and make everything peaceful again. :)

I've got a wild imaginations. ;)
OK well I didn't mean to stir up trouble. I'm new in these parts.:icon_eek: