It is def. a big step for me. I AM LOST!! I use my I-Pod touch for everything but a phone. I use it every day and it has ALL of my contacts, pictures, music, etc. and I sync it to Itunes to keep up. Naturally, I was all excited that I-Phone 4 was coming to Verizon and was jumping on the wagon. I went to about 5 different Verizon wireless stores to research the upcoming phone. I was REPEATEDLY shown the DROID X and told that it was the best with HDMI, 8MP camera, Adobe, Micro SD up to 32 Gig, and so on. So i thought I had a grand decision on my hands. I thought about it for some time and actually found factory refurbished DX for $99 W/1 year warranty. Sounds too good not to make the leap.
My biggest problem....All my stuff is either on I-Tunes or my Samsung Rouge. How will I load/sync to Droid X?
I am thinking Isync (as listed previously).
Thanks for the welcome. I plan on being here often.