Hi I'm Kyle!


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Fort Myers, Florida
Hey yo!

Can't wait to start messing around on these threads!!!

I've owned a lot of sweet hardware over the years thanks to my ventures in selling phones on craigslist. Motorolas have always been my favorite though my first being the Motorola Q. My ADD kills any want or need for rooting unfortunately! I'm on this website primarily looking for more things to do on my Lapdock 500 and Droid Razr Maxx which has kept me entertained and busy the last few days. I'm also very interested in On-live and things of that nature.


ty for generically accepting me! dancedroid
Just had to say it. My names Kyle too! Lol

Sent from my rooted Droid Incredible rocking cm7
Welcome Kyle!! Great to have you on board with us. Enjoy the forums and that awesome RAZR Maxx! I have one as well (Original RAZR) and love it.
Hello and welcome Kyle!

Congrats on the Maxx...jump in, enjoy, ask questions if ya have them and participate when ya can!!