Hi everyone...new here...


New Member
Feb 18, 2011
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New Hampshire, USA
Hope those of you reading this are all well. My name is Amy. New here and new to android phones. Glad I found this place. Seen loads of valuable info so far on this site and only found it about an hour or so ago.

Currently using a Motorolla Droid2 v2.2. Pretty user friendly. Which is great.

The problem that brought me here was that my home button will not work. It's so frustrating. I've been trying to figure out how to fix this for hours now. Only fix found was to reset to factory settings. I will lose everything if I do this, so I'm a bit hesitant.

Anyone happen to know an easier way to go about fixing this?

Thanks a bunch and look forward to seeing you all in the forums!
Hello amy :welcome: to the community. Glad to have you with us. I was looking through my settings and trying to find some ideas onto what might be able to help with your home button problem. One thing I figured you might want to try is download an alternate launcher such as "adw launcher" or "launcher pro". These can be downloaded in the market just search the name. Launcher pro has the ability to switch the function of where the home button takes you. That might work but i do a factory factory reset from now and then due to installing new ROMs on my D2 and after i do one it is nothing to really get your info back. Paid apps are still in the "my apps" tab under the menu in the market and all phone numbers are backed up through your google account or backup assistant. you can download an app like "astro" which is a file manager and with that you can move most imporatant files to the sdcard. everything on the sdcard stays on the sdcard even after the reset. Hope this might be able to help
Thank you for the help chevyboyz. Its definitely appreciated. I ended up pulling my Sd card then resetting to factory as a last resort. But its fixed now. And I'm thrilled.

Thank you again...

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Welcome to the board Amy. Hope you find everything you need and i hope you enjoy things around here!!

Here's a link to a thread by Abe21599 (one of the true "gurus" around here. It was written for the Droid X, but truth is it contains a tremendous about of great info about the Android OS and how to get the most out of it. It will help you understand your phone. : http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...4604-new-android-droid-x-users-check-out.html