
[ L ]

Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys.
I am sure some of you have heard of Death Note (my newest obsession, other than hacking my Droid and YuGiOh) and recognize what my name means.
I am on a couple of other sites, but mostly sign onto xda.
There arent a lot of MoDr devs there, so I have decided to also join this site. My current phone is a Droid running FRG01B with CyanogenMod 6 RC2 and hope to get some better ROMs. Preferrably one that doesn't bootloop.

Welcome to the forum.
I will have to say flash them until you find something you like..cyanogen plex bugles s and ultimate droid at blackdroidmod its a nice place to start any one of those I mentioned should get you to where you want too be

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If you like what cyanogen has to offer, but want a more stable Rom, then I would suggest looking into sapphire. It is made by a great, but small group that really understands what they are doing. In a few more releases it will be just as feature packed as any other Rom, but done their own way as best they can. Hell, it even has darkedge ported to it, which is an amazing theme.

I can vouch for sapphire (as I often do), and you will not be disappointed.

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