Help please


New Member
Dec 11, 2014
Reaction score
My son has a Galaxy trend and is having problems with downloading viber, can anyone help please?
We have tried the usual way, and also me sending him the link via my S5.?
It appears to have downloaded to the phone and says SMS is on its way? but none is received
Does the Store say it's compatible with his phone. He would need to look in a browser.
If he downloaded it from the Play Store it would check compatibility and prevent him from downloading an incompatible version or app.
If he downloaded it from the Play Store it would check compatibility and prevent him from downloading an incompatible version or app.
Totally correct, but there seems to be some question about if it even got installed. Problems downloading in the OP, (not installing according to the quote), then sent by mail with no indication what the results were. But I'm not familiar with a Galaxy Trend either.

Insufficient information.
I'd try going into the play store.. My apps and scroll through.. You see the app tap on it and hit open..

Or go into settings, app, downloaded.. Scroll through and find the app.. If it's not working correctly.. I'd delete it and reinstall it.
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Ok son in Oz at the mo but contacted viber support and they think it's the strength of the Internet, which is odd cos he did it at his house with me and there is a broadband set up there? They said they had no record of an attempt to register from his phone, although it is clearly on his phone so when he gets back will delete and try re installation from my house