

New Member
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score

I've had my Droid X since launch, very very happy with it... I had switched from the original BlackBerry Storm (oh, the pain!) and this is a huge upgrade. I've been to these forums before, while researching rooting my phone (before EasyRoot, wow that made things, well, easy!) but I've just now decided to register. I was on here a couple of hours ago trying to figure out why my Froyo installation failed (it's working beautifully now, I had to rename all the bloatware back to .apk... ewww). Anyway, I found Tapatalk and got really excited to use it, so hopefully I'll be frequenting more now that I have the option to do so from my phone.

I just thought I'd say hello, since I never do these introduction threads, I figured there's a first time for everything!
Thanks for joining us and :welcome: to the Forum :)
Welcome! Good to have you with us. Our environment is less "stormy" and the community is very helpful. Look like you've already figured out quite a bit about your X.


Hello and welcome to the forums!!

Congrats on the X and Tapatalk is a nice app to use "on the go" with these forums...

In addition to the X sub forums, we also have a forum dedicated to the X at www.droidxforums.com - feel free to hang out at both as alot of us!
Welcome aboard. I guess I'm gonna have to take a look at tapatalk:)