Hello world!


New Member
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Mordor. And it is hot up in he-ya.
Well then,
Salutations to all you, my fine feathered, Android wielding brethren.

I am AJRawr, well AJ, but username/nickname, whatever floats your boat for forum usage.
I currently have Samsung's very own Galaxy SIII equipped, and, my! what a beautiful phone she is:]
Just upgraded from the Droid Charge (and what a delightful update it is), so I'm looking forward to finally finding out all the wonderful things I can do with a free-er phone :)

Heading out to college in a few days for computer engineering, so I'm excited to see what this phone will bring to the table there!

In my spare time, I love walking along moonlit beaches, partaking in deep, stimulating conversations, and hunting the living dead, for sport!

Questions, comments, soul-searching, calculus appreciating, zombie combating, and basically anything irrelevant or tangential may be posted and discussed on my greeting forum.

Also. Puns.
Welcome! Just remember...you can't kill zombies with a smart-phone... :)
*Bows* Jolly good to meet you, Bruben :)

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bit bigger, darling." *Automates grenade launcher from device*
(Darn, why do I always make the OTHER person Joseph Gordon-Levitt when I quote movies...)
Welcome to Droid Forums AJ!! :)
Welcome to Droid Forums AJ! I think you're in for a real treat with your GS3. Think you will find that you will fit right in with our site. Dig in and enjoy!

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
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Welcome to the forum

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From my Beano
I am convinced this phone is possibly the prettiest phone I have ever beheld. I have been enjoying it already, and I've basically only done normal phone-y stuff with it (txt/call/browsing/GPS-what a wonderful GPS), played with some of the new features, and hooked up a Wii-mote to play GBC games.

Might look into Jelly Bean soon though.
Congrats on the S3 and welcome to the forum AJ!