Hello Everyone. i'm a Computer Tech in Minneapolis, MN just trying to keep up with all the new an upcoming mods and info on Cellphone
i work out of my house modding Phones, Xbox, PS3, BlackBox -Cable and Dis.- I just got my hands on a Droid X and love how much of
a Pain it is Mod and so on. I'm going to start work on a mod/firmware with the Droid X B/c i think with this Phone i will learn alot more
tricks and such. If i can help anyone in anyone i will Im not a "knew it all" i just love to learn when it comes to computer's if i can do it
i will if i cant i will learn if i brick something i will learn how to Fix it. Im off hope I get to make some new friends here. have a good day
i work out of my house modding Phones, Xbox, PS3, BlackBox -Cable and Dis.- I just got my hands on a Droid X and love how much of
a Pain it is Mod and so on. I'm going to start work on a mod/firmware with the Droid X B/c i think with this Phone i will learn alot more
tricks and such. If i can help anyone in anyone i will Im not a "knew it all" i just love to learn when it comes to computer's if i can do it
i will if i cant i will learn if i brick something i will learn how to Fix it. Im off hope I get to make some new friends here. have a good day