Hello to everyone from a new member


New Member
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone. I've have visited the forums here quite a bit lately since I finally got my first Android (qualified for an upgrade) Atrix 4G and have found DroidForums to be a friendly, knowledgeable community and thought it was time to join. Thanks to all who have helped me without knowing it, in getting some questions answered. There certainly are quite a few Droid forums out there but it seems the most useful information comes from the same places, DroidForums being one of the main ones. I suppose I consider myself an intermediate newbie at this point. Prior to this I had a Samsung Epix with WinMo 6.1 that I got on Craigslist. The sylus was really becoming pretty annoying but I found after awhile for certain things I just don't seem to be as adept as most with a software keyboard so I got the just|mobile AluPen with a soft rubber nib on the end which has worked out well. I guess that's about it for now. Thanks everyone.:)
new also

I am also new to this site.. just got my incredible.. really had no clue there was so much I could do with.... guess i need me a Droid for dummies book...lol
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have u. Lots of info here but u can also check our sister forum Android.net

sent from my Hawaiian Xoom...ALOHA
Welcome! Yup check out the ATRIX specific forum for more in depth help.