Are you using smart actions battery saver?? If not you should. Open smart actions, tap on the plus sign in the upper right corner, select samples, battery extender, long press and delete the motion rule and the turn off gps rule. This will help alot.
install the app bad ass battery monitor, and try downloading an app called 4g toggle, set it to 3g. Also. Power off your device to right and charge to 100%, tomorrow use it until 10% and power off and charge to 100% again..
Screen brightness is a biggy here, and screen timeout time. But you should adjust these things according to what works best for you. My screen tines put at 1 min, and I use a darker colored wall paper, and my screen brightness is about 15% ..
Also, when you're using your device, you should try to remember to long press the home button and swipe to kill running apps...
Screen on time and signal are very important to battery life. Your screen is everything on these phones..
In my house I get about 6.75 hours of screen on time (constant) and then I need to charge... days like today.. I've been off the phone all day, and its been unplugged since 6 am.. and I'm sitting at 73% right now.
Try these things and report back..