I'm having the flickering issue (which I see now isn't just a "me" problem) (my thread) so I'll be contacting VZW today to have the phone replaced. Is there anything I can/need to do to back it up. I don't necessarily need to backup any apps (I've only had this DX for a few weeks so I don't have any apps I can't easily replace), I just need to back up contacts, info, etc. I'll also be copying my pics/data from my SD card onto my desktop. If I just run backup assistant and copy/paste my SD card data will I mostly be covered?
Edit: Called VZW and they are sending a replacement phone in the mail (wonderful lady on tech support handled my call - Charlie [Charley? Charly?]). They said to put my SD card into the new phone to carry over my "data". Will that carry over my contacts/etc? I know it will carry my pics over. And I guess I'll just make a list of the apps I have and redownload them, lol (they're all free anyway).
Edit: Called VZW and they are sending a replacement phone in the mail (wonderful lady on tech support handled my call - Charlie [Charley? Charly?]). They said to put my SD card into the new phone to carry over my "data". Will that carry over my contacts/etc? I know it will carry my pics over. And I guess I'll just make a list of the apps I have and redownload them, lol (they're all free anyway).