GSM Wireless Likely to Die Off in 2017


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Our very own @leeshor brought this interesting story to our attention. Apparently, GSM wireless data connections will finally go the way of the "dodo" bird sometime in 2017. Of course, this will leave a few people out there stranded if they are still sporting older devices.

Here's a quote from the story, but be sure to hit up the source link below for the whole picture:

On Monday Singaporean operators M1, Singtel and StarHub became the latest operators to set a timetable for turning off their GSM networks. They will do so on April 1, 2017, following in the footsteps of Telstra in Australia, which plans to do so by the end of 2016, and AT&T in the U.S, which will flip the switch on Jan. 1, 2017.

For many mobile phone users, the switch-off could pass almost unnoticed. Today, the majority of mobile customers have phones that also connect to 3G and 4G networks; only a small percentage of subscribers still use GSM-only phones, according to the Singaporean operators. When Telstra made its announcement last year, it said GSM accounted for less than 1 percent of the total traffic.

What do you guys think? Too soon, or just about time?

Source: GSM wireless will die in 2017 and that s bad news for older devices PCWorld
I'm confused. I always thought that the GSM network was 3G.
Yeah, I'm confused too. I thought CDMA and GSM are how certain carriers communicate wireless phone data... CDMA being Verizon and Sprint, GSM being carriers like ATT and T-Mo? What will those carriers end up switching to?

I'd definitely have no complaints if everyone was CDMA so that was the default for all unlocked phones...
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Yes, can someone clarify this story? If anything, CDMA should be phased out by 2017, and GSM or LTE be the standard.
Once Verizon rolls out VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) in 100% of it's areas CDMA will die.
GSM is not LTE so when other carriers fully roll out VoLTE, GSM will also die.
Very interesting.
For years folks on GSM networks, like AT&T, thought they were the ones on the more superior network.
Regardless, I imagine the carriers will offer those folks some type of deal on a replacement device.

S5 tap'n
What should be noted is GSM and CDMA both will disappear in favor of 4G LTE. Today, TMO uses VZW's 4G network in many area. VoLTE is the same 4G network with voice added to that band.
Today the carriers support 2 bands, 1 for voice and 1 for data. When combined, technically, all carriers could use the same towers.