Google search locks up Droid X


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hello All,

I have noticed the last few weeks that when I now go to use my Google Search, I begin typing in the letters for the search but as soon as I hit the second letter the X locks up. Google search becomes unresponsive unless you wait about 30 seconds between each letter. I end up hitting the home menu button and that may give you the force close/report option for google search or take you to your home menu. Nevertheless, it is becoming a huge hassel as I use Google search quite a bit during the day. Ideas, comments, questions, suggestions? Thanks all.
go to menu>applications>manage & find google search and clear data/cache & force close. That should help.

Sent from my DROIDX in Western Illinois
Thanks for the feedback. I walked through these steps, started up Google search once again and after hitting the second letter of my search it stops again with the force, wait, post screen. I force it closed, then wait a few seconds, start up search again and it stalls a bit after the first letter then allows me to type my full search. Odd thing i now notice is as I start typing the letters of the search, it is popping up results for the drop down as apps that are currently on my X. did not notice that before. Any ideas on why it still wants to stall/lock? Thanks again.
Are you rooted? If so use either rom manager or root tools to run "fix permissions" to see if that helps the stalling.

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I've had the same issue. Even posted a discussion about it. But all anyone knew was that it seems to happen to a lot of people.
I'm running stock also. Very annoying problem.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I've had the same issue. Even posted a discussion about it. But all anyone knew was that it seems to happen to a lot of people.
I'm running stock also. Very annoying problem.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

The workaround I found was to turn off app searching - just letting it search the inet, which is all I usually want.

Not really google's fault if some apps are slow to respond to search requests.
Thank's for the tip Zam.

I just went into the settings and changed it to only search the web. It was also set to search Apps and Voice Search.
If that does the trick, you deserve some sort of forum trophy.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I've had the same issue. Even posted a discussion about it. But all anyone knew was that it seems to happen to a lot of people.
I'm running stock also. Very annoying problem.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

The workaround I found was to turn off app searching - just letting it search the inet, which is all I usually want.

Not really google's fault if some apps are slow to respond to search requests.

This worked for me... I just simply turned off the App Search option under settings and VIOLA!
Yep. I've been spreading the word of zamslams workaround ever since I first set up to search only the web.
Works like a charm.

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Excellent! Worked great, thanks.

For those not as droid savy

Settings>search>searchable items> uncheck everything except web.