Google Reader Widget or Feed Widget


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
I look at quite a bit of blogs and news sites and have a ton saved through google reader, I'm loooking for something I could use on my droid that would sync all my feeds using google reader sync type deal, or some sort of rss feed I don't want something that is going to redirect me to a web based mobile site this is one kind of app I'd really like to find. I like being able to read blogs and news through out my day without having to get on my home computer to do so.:motdroidhoriz:
Right now I'm using Newsrob, it's free but a little bit buggy sometimes. But it gets the job done! You can even customize the settings to notify you if there is a new news item for a particular news site. I tried freedr (.99) but didn't like it very much, seemed really unorganized to me.
I also use NewsRob. Does a very good job of two-way syncing with Google Reader. Haven't tried Greed though.
I don't like either.. both don't mark the feeds as read (and sync) very fast so I wind up looking at the same feed on a computer. Hopefully Google will make their own app soon.. that will at least work right the first time.
google reader's mobile site is far better than all the apps out there. just create a bookmark on your screen.
Sorry to dig up such an old post, but I was wondering if there are any readers that have widgets?
