

Feb 10, 2011
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I read on a website that Motorola is going to release gingerbread update for droidx this summer. Is it true? I was reading also the features on the new bionic and its sweet. I heard it will be realesed mid to end of april. Is that true?

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Not sure about GB. But the Bionic in April is looking right.

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Both should be.... official eta on gingerbread hasn't been announced but p3droid has confirmed its working on dx.

Edit: just checked twitter, he also confirmed it was coming for d2g soon also. Again, no eta but soonish.

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He also said new blur was actually pleasing. Didn't catch a hint of sarcasm. I could be wrong though.

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As long as its not as buggy and slow as the blur we currently have then it can't be too bad.

Sent from my RubiXed D2G
He also said new blur was actually pleasing. Didn't catch a hint of sarcasm. I could be wrong though.

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this was confirmed by more than just P3. any of the early reviews of the bionic (obviously they saw an unfinished version) said the Blur was actually quite nice and would rival HTC sense as the best mfg skin over android.

i am waiting patiently for GB to come. :)
p3 said it looks exactly like the pictures he showed us a few months ago.
This is amazing news. Thanks for sharing

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He also said new blur was actually pleasing. Didn't catch a hint of sarcasm. I could be wrong though.

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Not sarcasm. He said the new blur wasnt bad.. apparently they've done some modifications and made it a little bit better. By what i've seen it looks more AOSP than blur. (thats just based upon screenshots I've seen). Yes, he said soonish. Soonish could mean a month or so. Several developers are working on this, so follow people like P3 on twitter and keep up to date! :)
As long as its not as buggy and slow as the blur we currently have then it can't be too bad.

Sent from my RubiXed D2G

Nothing wrong with blur we have on the X now....
As long as its not as buggy and slow as the blur we currently have then it can't be too bad.

Sent from my RubiXed D2G

Nothing wrong with blur we have on the X now....

I can think of plenty wrong with it once you've used something other than blur. Its slow, leaks more than chernobyl, and is generally buggy. I personally can't stand going back to stock for longer than it takes to test something just because of how bad it is.

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As long as its not as buggy and slow as the blur we currently have then it can't be too bad.

Sent from my RubiXed D2G

Nothing wrong with blur we have on the X now....

I can think of plenty wrong with it once you've used something other than blur. Its slow, leaks more than chernobyl, and is generally buggy. I personally can't stand going back to stock for longer than it takes to test something just because of how bad it is.

Sent from my RubiXed D2G

I agree, the blur on gingerbread would have to dramatically change for it to be usable from day to day (for those of us that know what the potential of this phone without it). Just to get the thread back on track does anyone know if there is any truth to gingerbread being released this weekend? And if so does anyone know about achieving root?
Just to get the thread back on track does anyone know if there is any truth to gingerbread being released this weekend? And if so does anyone know about achieving root?

I've also heard of the possibility of it popping it's head out sometime this weekend. But I am by no means no in the loop like most are here.

Speaking of which, does anyone know P3's Twitter name so I can follow any updates he may throw out????

Also, when/if GB comes out, will we need to unroot and go back to stock to upgrade? (stupid question, I know) I just finally got my rubiX focused 2.0.1 and look down just the way I like it!!! :icon_evil:

One final question, I keep forgetting the answer. What is Blur vs No-Blur???? Everytime I hear Blur, I think that the icons are literally blurry to the eye. lol
Nothing wrong with blur we have on the X now....

I can think of plenty wrong with it once you've used something other than blur. Its slow, leaks more than chernobyl, and is generally buggy. I personally can't stand going back to stock for longer than it takes to test something just because of how bad it is.

Sent from my RubiXed D2G

I agree, the blur on gingerbread would have to dramatically change for it to be usable from day to day (for those of us that know what the potential of this phone without it). Just to get the thread back on track does anyone know if there is any truth to gingerbread being released this weekend? And if so does anyone know about achieving root?

I think I remember reading that the gingerbread p3 has on the x has not yet gained root access. Someone please correct if I'm wrong. I have heard nothing about a release this weekend. Hope I'm wrong though. I hope this info didn't come from nenolod!!!!!!!! LMFAO
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