Getting replacement, Suggestions please?

Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
I called VZW and they are sending me a replacement, I just had a few questions first.

I am running 2.2, but seeing how I downloaded it and it wasn't pushed by vzw to my phone, and now they have stopped pushing it to any phones, Do I need to go back to 2.1. And no, I am not rooted.

Should I wipe my phone completely? Or just go through and delete all apps and personal info?

What backup options do I have for items I have already bought in Market? I have heard all the backup programs are for rooted phones only, but not sure about this.

Thank you for your help. :)
Your purchased apps are attached to your Google account, so once you login with it to your new phone, they should be available for redownload if they don't just download themselves automatically.
Thanks for the response.

Does anyone know if I need to return back to 2.1 than?
Do I just download the 2.1 patch and perform the same steps I did to install 2.2?